Would you like a delicious vegetable package?
Sign up below for your weekly vegetable package. Every Friday, members receive an email with a list of what is in the package for the following week. Please do read some important information below before registering.
In a nutshell
- In your package you will find an average of 7 vegetables and sometimes fruit.
- A vegetable package costs € 12.50 or 1.25 with Timebank.cc.
- There are various ways to pay.
- You can pick up your package at different locations.
There is no registration fee, and you are only obligated to purchase a package when your account status is set to active. So, please let us know if you’re coming! Then we’ll purchase one of those delicious vegetable packs for you. How do you do that? Read on!
Pause or active?
When you register, you will receive a personal link. Through this link, you can indicate whether you want to receive the package for the week or not. Keep it safe!
Are you on ACTIEF (= active)? Pick up your package or have it picked up. If you can’t make it one time, put your subscription on PAUZE (= pause).
It is important to change your status before 8 PM on Sunday evening for the following Wednesday’s package. Use your personal link. Lost the link? Click here to retrieve it.
Still excited? Then sign up below!

Keeping good track of your status helps!
Nobody likes to throw food away. Putting vegetables from uncollected parcels to good use means extra work for Lekkernassûh. So you do the community a big favor by keeping track of your status.
Privacy Statement: Click here to read about how Lekkernassûh handles your data.
When filling in:
- * Required.
- Getting an error message? Make sure that the postal code you filled in starts with a 2 and has four digits and two letters. Make sure that the email address you fill in is correct and there are no spaces before or after it. Still getting an error message (‘This row has errors and cannot be inserted’)? Currently this happens with some Apple devices, we’re working on this. Please register on a different device or send a mail to web-team@lekkernassuh.org with the data you wanted to enter. Then we will do your registration.
When you click on the [Join] button you agree to our privacy statement.
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